Thursday, 5 December 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Thank You for wearing my t-shirt. It looks really great!!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

 I decided to make more stamps. So I went shopping looking for best offer to get lots of erasers. Found these here from WHSmith, super deal, only £0.49 for one pack! White erasers are nice and soft, green ones are harder.

First You draw on the eraser. Good to do it with marker, so the lines are thick and it's easy to see where to cut. Then You need some sharp carving knives. I got knives for food carving ;) Be very careful, don't cut yourself...

At the end You will need to check Your results on paper, if the picture looks good. If not correct the mistakes.
Finally vacuum the carpet!!! I left so much dust on the floor... that wasn't a good place to cut -.-'

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

I decided to do some cleaning in my sewing section.
I found this idea somewhere in the web, so I sat down and started making. I didn't know I got so may!! You just need some cardboard, pins and box.

Lots of new felties!!

More photos in Handmade, and also to keep You busy I will be uploading some other photos on my Facebook page!!
Amazon is a great source of ideas, now I got a new mission - stamp making! That's form a very interesting book - 'Making an Impression: Designing & Creating Artful Stamps' by Geninne D. Zlatkis. And results are here -

All made with some cheap erasers, and some carving knives :)
Lots of new stuff and changes today. I been working hard recently. Looks like Summer is a good time for me and crafting ;)

  • I got my facebook page! (Kat's handmade stuff) It just started, so I will need some time to update  everything there...
  • I got gmail for You to contact me - 
  • lots of crafts!! (photos and details in next post)
  • some new photos will get watermarks

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Ach, finally i managed to make these bleach t-shirts! I read an article about it in 'Make: Craft' and I thought spraying bleach is easy, but it wasn't...
What You can see here is the final result after trying it many times on my boyfriend's old t-shirts...
I made 3 t-shirts in the end. Take look:

This is one of my favourite themes - Godzilla!


That's how I was trying on old t-shirts... It's actually amazing how a deep blue t-shirt became red suddenly. The result was finally acceptable...
Hey, it looks like someone is diving with torch and suddenly sees this scary octo!
The key was less spraying, more glue to attach the pattern...

Total disaster! First t-shirts ;(
I didn't know what went wrong.
Can You see anything there? Can You guess what is it?

Here are the patterns i drew for t-shirts.
I didn't use the skyline because it was too complicated for this kind of technique... 
Sorry, electric cats always go upside down ;)