Tuesday, 7 May 2013

I decided to do some cleaning in my sewing section.
I found this idea somewhere in the web, so I sat down and started making. I didn't know I got so may!! You just need some cardboard, pins and box.

Lots of new felties!!

More photos in Handmade, and also to keep You busy I will be uploading some other photos on my Facebook page!!
Amazon is a great source of ideas, now I got a new mission - stamp making! That's form a very interesting book - 'Making an Impression: Designing & Creating Artful Stamps' by Geninne D. Zlatkis. And results are here -

All made with some cheap erasers, and some carving knives :)
Lots of new stuff and changes today. I been working hard recently. Looks like Summer is a good time for me and crafting ;)

  • I got my facebook page! (Kat's handmade stuff) It just started, so I will need some time to update  everything there...
  • I got gmail for You to contact me - kat13stuff@gmail.com 
  • lots of crafts!! (photos and details in next post)
  • some new photos will get watermarks