Tuesday, 11 October 2016

 I have been busy recently with all sorts of clay. Sculpting the little and big ones. Took me a while but I hope You will like it ;)

Monday, 2 May 2016

spring work

Recently I have been very busy. I have finished most of my ideas. Done some key holders, new t-shirts and eventually after a failure with salt dough I got some proper clay. Bless Sculpey, it's wonderful! The salt dough didn't want to dry properly no matter how many times I cooked it in the oven ;(
And about key holders, I decided to do it by hand now, until I learn how to saw on sawing machine properly!
Check new stuff in handmade section, this is just a tip of the big work I have done this month ;)

Monday, 7 March 2016

 Got some work done and more t-shirts. This time Moomins.

And here poop twins ;)